Read This Story Shared By A Beautiful Lady On Facebook That Might Push You To Tears

Life is said to be beautiful,but in it's beauty,there are some sad realities we get to face that make some people stronger and more determined and also pushes some into depression that might end up taking thier lives,you being able to cope with the things of life depends on how positive you are towards life.

A lady has recently shared a story which narrates her life on facebook and the story tells how the lady went through so many challenges with her family,but is still pushing forward and not giving up,this isn't a story you should miss because it might end up being a motivation for you not to give up on your dreams,read the story below.

She wrote,

"Omo.There are a lot of untold stories about me that I want to share with y'all.This story,I hope to put in writing,someday soon."

"My family started out well.Dad worked in a prestigious hotel,mother owned a provision store.Life was good,we attended the best school in town.Then,we lived at Ajah,in the house father built.Things couldn't have been better."

"Then,came the turnaround,for the worse.A drastic change took place.Father lost his job. Mother had to close down her shop,there was no money to fund it.Schooling for us stopped, dad couldn't afford the fees."

"My paternal grandmother died and things became more worse,feeding became a problem.At that time,father said we had to leave the house,for our own safety,he had said.So,move we did,to a remote town,more like a village."

"Things became indeed tough,I and my elder sister,plus a cousin who was staying with us had to resort to hawking,despite our parent's misgivings.But,we had to,just so to afford some basic necessities."

"A year after we moved to the place,father enrolled us in a school.We were still hawking. We'd hawk under the scorching sun,sweat pouring down our faces.Elder sister was enrolled in a private secondary school, because according to father,he didn't want any of his children to attend a public school."

"Things weren't becoming any better,so two years later,elder sister withdrew from the private school and enrolled in a public one.By then,mother had gotten a shop to sell foodstuffs.Father had also gotten a a teaching job in a small private school where he taught French and English language."

"You see,my father graduated from the Ahmadu Bello University,with a second class upper.He did his Masters program at the National Open University of Nigeria and he also obtained a French degree program at Alias Français."

"Some months after mother started sales at the shop,she was infected with elephantiasis. Her legs got swollen to the point that she couldn't walk anymore.They said her legs would have to be amputated.But,as God would have it,it healed after series of herbal concoctions."

"Father lost his job and we went back to square one,we were using firewood to cook then, and we'd sell some too.We'd go hunting in the bushes,for woods,the different types of animals I've seen ehn,you'd be surprised."

"In the midst of it all,mother got another job,but had to stop going when hot oil poured on her legs when she was frying puff-puff.Thank God,it wasn't so bad.Father forbade her from going to the shop anymore. Therefore,it was closed down."

"We started doing firewood business,and as at then,ot was lucrative.About a year later, business became bad and we resorted to searching for condemned aluminums (Bolah, as it was called).We'd go from house to house,asking for them to sell their condemned aluminum to us for a token amount,while we sold it to manufacturers."

"In 2015,after father had lost yet another job,he sent a suicide note to mom that he wanted to end it all,he was tired of living.That my strong father could break was something that had us in grief.Mother panicked and raised an alarm.He didn't later go through with it,I was 13 and in SS 2 then."

"Often times,we'd go to school on an empty stomach not knowing if we'd eat before nightfall.We've gone without food for two consecutive days.Then,I was battling with an extremely low self-esteem.I was the youngest in my class,and I was one of the best students.I went for competitions and all."

"Something else was also wrong with me. LI had a very bad anger issue,people thought me to be possessed,because whenever I got angry,I'd hurt myself.It was that bad,father prayed immensely over it.I was always sulking,never smiling."

"My elder sister finished from secondary school with the best result in Epe district.She was promised a scholarship,lol. But,years of wait,nothing came."

"I finished secondary school at the age of fourteen going to fifteen,that was 2016.I wrote JAMB four times and I was denied admission.Year 2018,father got a job in a fast rising firm and things started to look up. But, six months after,he was sacked for no reason."

"My father bought a bike for transportation. But, he later sold it because of his health conditions.He's an ulcer patient.There was a time a live lizard was brought out of his stomach, no lying.Then,he was bedridden for three months. Another attack he had,he was hospitalized for over a month."

"September 2018,mom gave birth to her seventh child, a girl; we're all girls.September 2019,I stared death in the face.Four of us in the family had been hospitalized due to a cholera case,mom inclusive.We spent a week at the hospital,grasping on to life."

"I got my first job in 2018.Five months into it, my boss accused me of stealing goods worth fifty thousand.She was hell-bent on arresting me.Save for the intervention of some kind hearted people who offered to pay the money for me,I'd have been locked up in a cell,for something I knew absolutely nothing about. 2019,I got another job as a house help cum nanny for an Indian family.The pay was quite okay,but the job was demanding.I got seriously sick,and I was sacked."

"I told my father firmly last year that I wouldn't write jamb anymore.We resorted to trying out NOUN,and now,I'm a first-year student,studying history and international relations."

"Father now works as a security man for a networking company.Mother works for a woman who sells food,and the pay is nothing to write home about.Me on the other hand, I'm presently job hunting."

"Thrice,I attempted suicide,but didn't go through with it.I'm mostly depressed and I'm insomniac.I still deal with my self esteem issue.I've managed to rein in my anger issues over the years,i've got ulcer and I'm schizophrenic;was diagnosed last year."

"I'm not where I want to be yet.Heck! I'm not even half way to becoming who I want to be.But, I'm proud of who I am today.I'm proud of the obstacles I've overcome,I'm proud that despite all the hardship I faced,I didn't let it define me."

She ended the story with:

"I could go on and on,but I wouldn't want to bore you, so I'll stop here."

Like Keala sang:

I'm brave,I'm bruised,I'm who I'm meant to be.

This is me!

Check out the photos of the lady below.

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Source: YorochiTV on Facebook.

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