Five Movies You Should Watch With Your Family This Weekend

The weekend is upon us once again and to a lot of people, the weekend is a time where you get to bond with your family after going through a week full of stress from work, so in this article we have carefully selected a few movies that you can watch this weekend that'll help you bond your family.

The selected movies show how parents go out of their way to make sure their children are fine, while some of them show how bad parenting could be a catastrophe, so kindly read till the end and share this article with others.

1. Snitch (2013) 

  Snitch 2013.

This movie is one movie that you'll never get tired of watching, despite the fact that it's was released 9 years ago it still is interesting to watch anytime and anywhere.

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The movie tells of a son who got himself snitched on by his best friend who was into drug trafficking and when it was time for the son to snitch on others he decided to not be like his friends who snitched on him without thinking twice just to reduce his jail sentence, so the father had to do the snitching himself to get his son out of jail.

The movie teaches how no matter how close your kids are to people, they could get in trouble and it also teaches how Fathers go out of their way to make sure their kids have a better life, you can watch the movie trailer below

2. Freaks (2018)

  Freaks, imagecredit: Mutant Reviewers.

This is a movie that shows how overprotective parenting is bad, and it also teaches that parents should be more honest with thier children, because kids are curious and they would want to know why you tell them not to do something while others are doing it.

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The movie tells of a young overprotective father who locked up his daughter in a house for years, telling her that the people outside are wicked people and they'll hurt her, but the girl was too curious to stay inside, so one day she escaped then found out that her father was right not because the people were evil but because she and her father had superpowers which made them like a threat to the society.

The movie shows how the father gave his life to save his daughter even after she disobeyed him, and it teaches us that not all heroes wear capes, you can watch a trailer of the video below.

3. The Boy In The Striped Pajamas

  The boy in the striped pajamas, imagecredit: Amazon.

This is a movie that shows how the evil men do finds a way to come back to them, it shows how a military personnel lost his only son due to his evil deeds in a community where certain people were used as slaves.

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The movie teaches how bad parenting can destroy a family and it also teaches kids not to try being heroes by helping friends do some certain things they know are risky, you can watch a trailer of the movie below.

4. Luca

  Luca, imagecredit: Amazon Prime Video.

Unlike others, Luca is an animated movie that teaches the value of true friendship between young people, and it also teaches young kids that no dream/goal is to big to be achieved and they also need to make sacrifices in friendship.

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The movie tells of two boys who lived in the sea but were curious to find out what's on the shore but on getting to the shore they found out that they were hated there, nevertheless they had a goal of getting a bike and to get the bike they had to participate in a race to win the money and they took the risk not minding the fact that they could be killed, you can watch a trailer of the movie below.

5. Coco 

  Coco, imagecredit:Disney

This is another animated movie that teaches the value of togetherness in a family and it shows that no matter the hurt people may go through in a family, love will always rule over it all.

The movie tells of how a young boy was in love with music and playing guitars when none of his family members supported it because they had a very sad past due to music, but the boy went on with his love for music which later united the family, you can watch a trailer of the movie below.

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